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Important Notice : Lawyerintl.com strongly recommends that you seek independent legal advice from a qualified lawyer before using any of the forms on this site, in order that you can verify the forms are suitable for your needs.

Listed Property Description



1. Street address: [street address], between [first street] and [second street].

2. County: [county].

3. Approximate size of lot: [Approximate size of lot]. Condition of yard: [Condition of yard].

4. Zoning restrictions: [Zoning restrictions].

5. Condition of street: [Condition of street]; street lights? [street lights]; sidewalks? [sidewalks].

6. Distance to shopping: [Distance to shopping].
7. Elementary school: [Elementary school]; Middle or Junior high school: [Middle or Junior high school]; Senior high school: [Senior high school].

8. Public transportation: [Public transportation].

9. View: [View].


10. Year built: [Year built].

11. Type of construction: [Type of construction].

12. Number of floors: [Number of floors]. Number of rooms: [Number of rooms].

13. Condition of basement: [Condition of basement]; of roof: [of roof].

14. Exterior paint: [Exterior paint]; interior paint: [interior paint].

15. Electricity? [Electricity]. Natural gas? [Natural gas].

16. Water source: [Water source]. Sewage facilities: [Sewage facilities].

Garage? [Garage].

17. Fixtures: [Fixtures].

18. Floors: [Floors].

19. Fireplace: [Fireplace]. Swimming pool: [Swimming pool].

20. Special features: [Special features].

21. Amount of last annual property tax assessment: $ [Amount of last annual property tax assessment].


22. Asking price: $ [Asking price]. Minimum down payment: $ [Minimum down payment].

23. Consider trade? [Consider trade].

24. Amount outstanding on present mortgage: $ [Amount outstanding on present mortgage].

Mortgagee: [Mortgagee]. Interest: [Interest]. Assumable? [Assumable].


25. Type of listing: [Type of listing].

26. Date listed: [Date listed]; term: [term]

27. Advertising: [Advertising]. Sign on property? [Sign on property].

28. To be shown anytime? [To be shown anytime]; key at [key at].
To be shown only by appointment with: [To be shown only by appointment with]; phone: [phone].